Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Finish this"

I was going to pass on blogging this week because I have been home sick today and all I have wanted to do is sleep but I love these prompts too much to not post.

My biggest my Dad. My Dad is my hero and the greatest person that I know. My Dad however is a man of few words but always has a way of showing his pride. He is also one of the most forgiving people I know but if you hurt one of his girls, you will become his worst enemy. My Dad has always supported every decision I have ever made, even when he didn't fully agree and in the end when I would realize I was wrong, he was right there to pick up the pieces of my broken heart and not tell me I told you so. Growing up, I was my Dads right hand man and I still am. He taught me how to ride a bike, to play softball, and to be independent. One of the greatest moments in my life was receiving my college degree. What made that moment so much more special was that because my Dad worked for my school, he handed me my diploma. He was so proud of me and it was one of the very few times that I saw my Dad cry. My Dad has always been my rock and my biggest fan. He was encouraged me to never be ashamed of who I am and he driven me to be all that I can be. 

My great blessing is... my family. There are times that they drive me crazy but I wouldn't change them for a thing. My sister is my best friend, my Dad is my biggest fan and my mom is my role model. I am so grateful for the family that I have, I have no idea where I would be without them. I know everyone thinks their family is the greatest but mine truly is. And in few short months, I will officially have a big brother that is pretty freaking awesome as well. 

Sometimes, all you need to feel better about life is... your best friends and good cry, followed by a long laugh. This past year has been a roller coaster and I have no idea how I would get through it without my two best friends. We talk everyday. I am actually still amazed how we still have stuff to say, day after day. They have been there to hold me while I cry and there to laugh with me when there were no more tears left to cry. We have made memories that will last a lifetime. I can not express how grateful that I am for my two best friends. I can tell them anything and they still love me. They have given advice and even when I didn't take it, they supported me. Not once have they told I was wrong or judged, they have simply been there and encourage me to love this perfectly imperfect life. I never grow tired of hanging out with them and I am eternally grateful for the sisters that God gave me through our friendship. 

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