My favorite Thanksgiving tradition... is playing board games with my family after dinner. It seems like this tradition has fallen away since my grandmother passed away or maybe my family just has too many babies now to play with now. My grandmother was extremely competitive and stubborn and I think those characteristics have been passed down to all of us; all the way down to the 1-year old. It can be a little stressful at times because of all our opinions and desire to win a game or an argument but it also means we are all very passionate.
My most memorable Thanksgiving was... Every thanksgiving has become memorable the older I have gotten. There's the one when we went to Deep Creek Lake. That thanksgiving stands out the most because we spent the whole weekend together, all in one house. It was before any of us had kids because we were still kids ourselves. That thanksgiving was memorable for many reasons but I think my Dad and Uncle using a hairdryer to melt the ice on the front stairs so my grandmother could walk out to the car was by far the greatest memory. I also think that was the same year my Aunt almost lite her hair on fire. Another memorable thanksgiving was when we went to our aunt and uncles and all we wanted to play with was a pair crutches and then my cousin stealing them from the house, (you had to be there to appreciate why this was so memorable). Or there is last year when we went on our traditional hay ride, when it became extreme hay riding and we all thought we were going to fall out of the back of the wagon. My family may drive me crazy at times but I wouldn't trade them or those memories for anything in the world.
My favorite Thanksgiving food or dish... My momma's homemade stuffing. I am not your "typical white girl" and I am not fan of all the pumpkin flavored treats. Yes, I love my sweets but my moms homemade stuffing is amazing and I could eat it all day.
I’m so thankful... for every blessing God has given me. I do not stop and thank God enough for all the amazing blessings in my life. I am so grateful for the job that I have. I am so fortunate to be 22 and be working at such a great firm, that builds me up and fosters learning and the ability for me to not stop achieving my goals and dreams. I am thankful for my wonderful sister, who is my best friend. I am thankful to be my sister maid of honor and help her plan her wedding. I am thankful for my parents, for without them I would have nothing. I am thankful for my two best friends, who have become like family. I am thankful for the memories that I have had and the memories that I am making. I am thankful for the people who have stayed and loved me through my worst and I am thankful for the people who have walked out of my life. I am thankful for the lessons that I have learned and I most thankful that my life that is perfectly imperfect.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving 2013~ Never a dull moment
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