Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Finish This.."

It is week 40th of finish this...but only the third one for me. What can I say....this perfectly imperfect life gets in my way. A lot has changed since the last time I have had a minute to write... My sister got engaged and wedding planning is probably all we talk about anymore. I am loving being out of college and working full-time but starting to miss my "college life." My boyfriend and I broke up...but  I will save that for another blog because I think I learned a lot that could benefit other women.

So here goes my third attempt at "Finish this..." And if anyone is reading this, I encourage you to write your own and join in or visit the other bloggers who already write.

1. I can change the world by...

By being me. Once you learn who are and who you want to be, you can not only change your world, but the world around you. Being loving and trusting and seeing the positive in the world. is the first step in the right direction to change. You can't find happiness anywhere but within your self and when you find it...Share your happiness. Not every moment will be rainbows and butterflies, but there is good in every minute that God has blessed you with. Just like the little kids song "this little light of mine," let it shine! Be a vessel for whatever you believe in. In the past year, I have learned so much about myself. I can't be all things to all people but I can be all that I can be and show the world my passion. I have learned that along the imperfect journey, we are going to hurt others and others are going to hurt us, it is how we conquer the pain and find forgiveness in the unforgivable.

2. The best career advice I ever received was... 

So I have only been a full-time working lady for four months, so  I am sure that more wisdom is coming my way. I truly feel blessed to have the job that I have. Let me explain...this is not what I want to do with my career, for me this is a stepping stone in a large pond. But here is why I love it. I work for a company that is established but growing and changing everyday and I love that. I see the potential for not only me but the company. Secondly, I love the people I work with. Sure there are personalities that test my nerves but I have learned so much in the four months that I have been here. Being in my position, I get to interact with everyone in the firm, which is very rewarding. My supervisor has become like my work mom, she not only supports my career goals but has helped me in my personal life. However, I think the best career advice I have gotten is to not lose focus of what I want, never take a position in order to run away from the current position you have.  I was at a crossroads about a week ago when the firm offered me another position. It would have been more money and longer hours. I declined after pondering the advice that I just mentioned. The position is not where I want to be and I felt that it would hold me back, it would only be a means out of the position I have now. I felt that in the position I could have learned a lot but I would have felt stagnant and I couldn't lose sight of my goals in order to take a position that would honestly make me unhappy. So here is my advice, know yourself, know what you want and do what you need  to get there. Don't become complacent, out of comfort or chasing more money. Get more money because you worked your ass off to get what you wanted. And after looking at a thousand resumes today here is a tip on those: PUT YOUR EMAIL ON IT. 

3. I first fell in love... 

When I met my baby cousin. I have been in love before and I have no idea what it will be like when I have my own children or even when my sister has a baby. But I don't think I knew what true love was until I met that little girl 2 years ago.  I am very close with my family, we all grew up minutes from each other and to this day I can count on them for anything. I was in my cousins wedding three years ago and when they announced that they were expecting a baby two years ago, I was so happy for them. It wasn't until I got to see my baby cousin for the first time that I understood what love was. I love that little girl so much. She is rotten, completely spoiled. She has every one of us wrapped around her little finger. My mom watches her three days a week, so I see her before I go to work. Most days, she is mean to me because she wants me to stay and play. Despite this, I can't help but love this little girl. When I am upset, she is the only person to make me smile. I am so blessed to be a part of  watching her grow up. I would go to the ends of the earth for her and in the two short years she has been here, she has blessed our family in so many ways. Her personality is growing everyday and she changes every minute and it seems impossible but I love her more everyday. 

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