Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

Ice, Ice Baby....

So when the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge took over my news feed earlier this month, I thought it was incredibly ridiculous. Here's why~ thousands of people were willing to dump cold water on their heads, instead of donate to a good cause. However, the longer the challenge went on, people were donating and dumping.

Being the communication nerd that I am, I was truly fascinated by the shear impact that social media has had on raising awareness about ALS. Last year the foundation raise about $50,000, this year from the challenge they have already raised about $13.3 million. That's a pretty huge testament to the power of social media or to the power of people wanting to see  their friends and family dump ice on their heads.

Like I said, I was a pessimist in the beginning and swore I would never do something so ridiculous but the more I thought it about, I thought way not be apart of a trend that could help thousands of people suffering with ALS, I mean, come on people we aren't dumping ice on our heads to raise money to legalize marijuana. I participate in the color run two times a year and lets be honest, getting dyed with cornstarch to raise money for kids with cancer  is a tad ridiculous as well. But that's the point, in a society where everyone is trying to out do the person before to "get ahead", non-profit organizations have to be creative to convince the stingy masses that their cause is worth fighting for.  As humans beings we are inclined to want to help others, but sometimes it is a struggle, especially when our precious hard earned money is involved. But lets be real for one minute people, the five minutes of your discomfort from cold water is nothing compared to someone who endures ALS. Just like the kids with cancer who we run for and get cover in cornstarch for, this organization deserves the attention as well. So let your guard down and dump some water on your head and embrace the perfectly imperfect moment for a good cause.

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