Friday, February 10, 2012

The Vow

A perfectly imperfect moment...
My friends convinced me to go to see the new movie, "The Vow" with them tonight. Before going I was dreading every single moment of sitting through a sappy love story. The thought of it made me want to puke. But, despite my cynical demeanor I got in my truck and went to the movie theater, if only to see Channing Tatum without a shirt on.
As a hopeless romantic, the story of Paige and Leo (played by Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum) was truly touching. As a movie lover and critic, it was a good film with a good plot. But, as a cynic with a broken heart, it was truly depressing.
Overall, it was a good film, definitely a film that I would recommend and be willing to see again. Was it Titanic or Romeo and Juliet...No. But, it was a beautifully inspiring story of a husbands love for his wife. Both, Tatum and McAdams did a wonderful job. Its amazing to think that a real couple went though something like this and came out more in love than before the car accident.
It's true that their case in unique but I think that every couple goes through difficulties that make them stronger (whether in the end they are together or apart). Sure, someone I love very much hurt me, but as cliche as it sounds, there is a reason for my pain, its all part of this perfectly imperfect journey.
In the film, Tatum's character describes these pivotal moments in life as impacts. Moments that change you. Moments that take your breath away. Moments that you will never forget. These impacts are perfectly imperfect, they are not always wonderful, but these impacts are the ones that define us.
After watching the "The Vow", I vow to embrace every imperfections, even when it isn't easy (like tonight one of my biggest flaws was shown- as I continued crying, leaving the movie theater). Two tips, when going to see this film-
1.) Go with people that love you, that aren't going to judge you when tears are streaming down you cheeks
2.) Prepare to cry, it's easier to handle when you have mentally prepared yourself for it

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