More Beautiful You is a song by Jonny Diaz. The song talks about the struggles that young woman go through to fit the mold our society feels that they should fit into. If you listen to the song (todays song of the day :)) I encourage you to really listen to the words of the song. Sure, Jonny has a captivating voice but don't be distracted from the wonderful message of this song.
As I was listening to it this morning on my Pandora, I was reminded of the beautiful woman that God has blessed as role models in my life, young and old. I think about my grandmother today. She is 89 years old and is still one of the most beautiful woman I will ever know. In the past two weeks we have watched as her health has gotten worse. And through the physical pain she is now experiencing, she still radiants grace. Than I am reminded of the girls in my youth group. They are a true inspiration to me. Most of them are younger than I am, but they inspired me everyday to be a better person. Their passion for Christ is beautiful. They have blessed my life so much, more than I could ever express to them.And than there my own crazy sister. Her love and passion for those around her is so inspiring. I've always though the world of her and though there are times she drives me crazy, she is still the one person who can always bring me back to reality.
In this crazy world in which we live, it is hard to remain grounded in the fact that God has made each one of us unique in his image. This is exactly what this song is about. It is easy to get consumed by the ideas that society places on us, regrading beauty. The idea that we all have to look a certain way- we all have to be perfect in some way at all times. No one can be a more beautiful you. Each one of go through days that we do not feel our best, or think that we are not good enough. But, I think this song is a good reminder that we are each made special in the eyes of our maker. Am I saying to go home, throw out all your makeup and beauty products. No! Those things should only enhance the beauty you already hold. They should be tools to make us feel good, not tools to impress another person.
We all have a purpose that was planned before we were even a twinkle in our parents eyes. Embrace the imperfection, and be who God created you to be. Stop trying to be someone you are not or trying to impress someone else. If the only reason someone loves you is for your looks, are you ever going to truly to be happy? Love yourself before someone else can love you. Believe I know this isn't easy,because I struggle with it myself on a daily basis. But, its easier to embrace our imperfect flaws then try to erase them. Remember, be the perfectly imperfect person God has made you to be.
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