Friday, February 17, 2012

Simple Joys

In this perfectly imperfect world, there are simple joys that we find perfection in.

In an earlier post I talked about embracing your perfectly imperfect life. The most important step was to live! Do something you enjoy, everyday! Well today I got a pedicure. If you never have gotten it. I know I could have saved the $25 to pay my BGE bill. And I know I could have done it myself but nothing compares to having a good foot massage, and pretty toes, even in the winter when no one will see them.

They are also so sweet at the place I went to today. And nothing compares to hearing the Asians ladies talk about the talkative woman next to me in Chinese. Sure I don't know what they are saying... But you can tell ;)

These little things we do are things that make the trials of life, a little easier to take. If you don't take time for yourself, you experience what we will call serious burnout. I speak from experience, if you go and go until you can't give anymore, you will be spiritually, emotionally and physically burnt out.

And how perfect can you be when you can't even wrap your mind around what you are doing. Take time to yourself. Stop stressing about the little things. Grow and mature.

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