Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just a few thoughts on Valentines day

Another sign of how imperfect this world is (and no this one is not perfectly imperfect, its just imperfect).

Today was not the worst of Valentines days I have ever had, but it was not one of the best either. I spent my day going to class, laughing with two of my friends, going to the grocery store and visiting my Dad at work (where he washed my truck-by far best V-day present). 

Being a natural-born cynic, I obviously have an anti-valentines opinion of February 14th. I've always been a hopeless romantic though, wishing that prince charming would come walking through my door to rescue you from my mundane life into a world of excitement and charm. Well, I've come to realize at this point that is not going to happen, even though I thought at this time last year I had come close (but a girl can dream, can't she?) 

I digress, the point of my post today is to say what is with this holiday? I'm convinced it was made up by some man that forgot his anniversary and tried to make up with cards and candy. I get why we celebrate Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, I even understand celebrating presidents day but to be honest today is simply an excuse to waste some money on cards (I wish I was a writer for Hallmark today.) 

The truth is Valentines day should be EVERYDAY. If people were more willing to be more romantic and tell those they love, more consistently, we wouldn't need a holiday for it. Sure I love flowers and candy as much as the next girl but to be honest I want to know the person that I love, loves me through his words and support, rather than candy and flowers. And if you love someone, why do you need a day to celebrate that, it should be celebrated everyday. 

Saying that I did read this today on Facebook and it made me cry,  this is what true love and devotion is about, not cards and candy on one day of the year. 
"So today I was in Hallmark,buying my mom a Happy Birthday Card, when I noticed this old man standing in front of the Valentines card section, contemplating which one to get. I decided to go over and I ask him "Are you getting a Valentines Day card for you wife?" in which he replies, "No my wife died 3 years ago from breast cancer but I still buy her roses and a card and bring them to her grave to prove to her she was the only one that I will ever have in my heart" 

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