I have talked often since starting this blog about embracing your perfectly imperfect life, but how does one do that?
First, if your reading this and thinking, who does she think she is? Just know that I, just like most of you, struggle with this everyday and I am only blogging about what I have learned and what am trying to live out. So here it is...
Step one: STOP! Think about what it is in your life that you feel needs to be perfect. Why? Why do you want it to be that way? Is it worth all the stress, all the pressure? If not let it go, let God control whatever it is that you are controlling. Now, I'm not saying that we have to give up our own free will to make decisions that provide us with success and happiness. What I am saying is, if it doesn't work out, learn, grow and don't dwell on every flaw. Our free will and imperfections are liberating gifts from God.
Step two: GO! Do something you love everyday. Only do things that make you happy. Do things that bring you joy. Sure, it is important to be there for the ones you love, but sometimes it's okay to think about yourself (don't worry your'e not being selfish.) This one is hard for me too. I'm always putting everyone in my life ahead of myself, making sure everyone is happy and if not, I want to do something to make them happy. Well, I've come to a point that I have learned that I am never going to be the perfect daughter, sister, friend, cousin, student or perfect whatever that I want to be, if I don't first take care of myself. It's okay to relax, it's okay to take time for yourself. Breath, relax and enjoy the life that God has given.
Step Three: LIVE! As Christian women, sometimes we become absorbed by striving to always do the right thing, the right way, the first time. But, it's okay, to make mistakes as long as we learn from them. Take this time that God has given us and enjoy it. Don't be afraid of taking the risk because you never know what is next or what God is going to do in your life.
Step Four: EAT! This one may seem odd, but there are too many young woman who feel the need to fit the image that our society tells us we need to fit. I'm constantly complaining about my weight and the way I look. I've watch many of my friends struggle with this as well. But, try and be happy with the person that you are create to be. I've come to realize this is who I am and this is the best I can give. Each woman is a princess in the kingdom of God and I wish that everyone could realize this fact here on earth.
Step Five: LOVE! Love unconditionally. If you love someone, tell them. Don't let another minute go by without telling them you love them. Over the past year, I have learned a huge lesson in love. Someone I love very much, hurt me more than anyone ever has. And despite the fact that I have wanted so much to be angry with this person, I can't be. Part of loving someone is to forgive them no matter. Another part is giving up your own selfish desires, to see that they are happy. Also, this year I have tried to stay in contact with my closest friends through writing letters- YES! Writing letters, not emails, not Facebook messages but hand-written letters. And just telling them that i love/miss/appreciate them has given me so much joy. It also has reminded me of who the people are in my life that mean the most to me. And what huge blessing these people are to me.
Step Six: GROW! Never stop being willing to learn. Always be willing to learn from your mistakes and learn from the people who are placed in your life to teach you. Don't ever take it for granted. Never think that you know everything and always have the right answers. Be open minded and open to the changes in your life. Always, try to do something you never thought you were capable of doing. One of my closest friends is always doing something "daring." This past weekend he went bull-riding! And I'm completely envious of his ability to throw himself into these situations. Be willing to go where God wants you to go, but appreciate the journey that got you there.
Step Seven: PRAY! I've learned that the worst days of my life were when my spiritual relationship with God fell apart. It's amazing the power it has to give you comfort and peace. Whenever I'm not serving or growing in my Christianity, I feel lost and powerless. But, with it I can go and do anything I want.
Although I'm not sure I will ever be able to fully embrace my perfectly imperfectly life, these steps are a good start. Also, I highly recommend the devotional for woman by Joan C. Webb "The wonderfully imperfect life" it is truly inspiring and puts all of this into a clear perspective. Enjoy your perfectly imperfect and remember you are not alone in this.
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