Wednesday, December 24, 2014

"Finish this..Christmas Style"

Well another week has come and gone and a few short week another year is over. Since it is Christmas Eve, it is only appropriate that this weeks post is all about Christmas. 

My favorite Christmas tradition... 
       It is hard to pick just one. But, I think my favorite tradition is Christmas Eve service at church. This church service is always so special because when I was little, it was the one service that my entire family in church together in the same pew and you could tell how much joy that gave my grandmother. As we grew up, we went to different services but the candle lite Christmas eve service has always been my favorite tradition. Through the years, it became a memory that I shared with not only my biological family but my church family as well. It makes me sad that I won't share that with them this year at GBC but it will be nice to be back home at the church I was raised in. I am hoping that the service night is just as special as all the rest and if you read yesterday's blog, I hope it renews my lost Christmas spirits. 

My most memorable Christmas...
       Again another hard starter. I think it was the last Christmas we shared with my grandmother. At the time, we didn't know it would be our last but now it is the memory of her opening her gifts that makes me smile. She lived through the depression and was taught to save EVERYTHING. So as kids, waiting for her to open gifts was torture but I remember that year, we all loved seeing her open the gifts and be so grateful for the gifts she got. I miss her a lot this time of year. She is the reason my family has the amazing bond we have. She is the reason that tomorrow we all will be together. She taught us all the real meaning of Christmas and that is why tomorrow is so special every year. 

The gift I’d rather forget...

       Is the promise necklace that my ex boyfriend gave to me. In a way, I have forgotten it because it is in a box in bottom on my closet. But, the memory of that Christmas may never leave me, he made a promise that has since been broken and somehow it still stings.  

The best gift I've ever received...
        This is extremely hard as well. But, I think I have to go with the year my Dad got me my Go-Kart. Even though I wanted a four-wheeler, I was pretty excited about that Go-Kart. I remembering having to ride it that day, in the 30 degree weather. If you know me at all, you know I love to be outside and getting a little mud on my tires. I think the obsession started with that Go-Kart. 

Merry Christmas everyone! Remember tomorrow may not be perfect but the meaning of the day is the most perfect gift that any of us have ever reasoned and that is reason enough to smile.

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