Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Finish this..."

I am extremely proud of myself for writing a post for three weeks in a row. If you are anything like me, finding the time to something like this isn't always easy with the demands of everyday life. I am fortunate though that after 22 years of rushing through life, I have finally started to stop and enjoy it. Yes, I still stress out from time to time but now that college is over, my life has routine. I miss a lot about college but I don't miss the crazy schedules and the never ending stress about getting an A on the next exam... I guess that will all return once I start grad school in a few years. But I digress... this weeks "Finish this" is only two starters, here we go:

1. It took be long time to realize... 

That letting go, doesn't mean that you don't care. Throughout my life I have aim for this unattainable quality of perfection (remember the entire reason I began this blog) and I have come to realize that I never will be perfect, but perfectly imperfect. Life is full of challenges; from deciding what dress to wear on a first date to letting go of someone who is no longer meant to be in your life. This has been a hard lesson for me to learn and it took a long time (still working on it actually) to realize that letting go of someone, doesn't mean there is something wrong with you or you don't care. I decided when my ex and I broke up, I would simply not care about him. I would learn to hate him and the stupid things that he does. I don't think I will ever get to a point of hating but I have learned to let go. I read an article last night that brought me to tears because it summed up my love for him perfectly (check out my FB page if you are interested in reading). But besides letting go of him, I have learned to let go of stress, disappointment and fear. There are some things that are not worth losing sleep over. If I mess up, I will learn and I will go from it. Letting go of things that are no longer meant for me, does not mean that I don't care anymore, it simply means that I am growing up. I means that I do care and I always will but I no longer can let it effect me.

2. I surround myself with...

People that make me happy. My family and friends are amazing, there are days that I am at my worst and they bring out the best in me. I love going new places and making new friends. There are people in my life that have only been here for short while and they make me happy, so I hope that they stay. It is that simple, surround yourself with positive people that bring out the best in you because at the end of the we are all perfectly imperfect people, why waste it being negative. And if there are negative people in your life, don't abandon them, but encourage and lift them up and remember, when the time is right- let them go.

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