Well I guess it's that time of year again. That time when we start reflecting on the past year and where do we see ourselves a year from now? Did I meet the goals that I had set on New Years eve? Am I where I thought I would be? We all do it, no matter how dumb we think the concept of "New Year, New me" is.
Did I lose that magical 10 pounds? Did I get a raise? Did I fall in love? Did I go somewhere or do something that I never imagined I would? The answer to yes. However, in the past year I've also gained 10 pounds, had my heart broken and sat at home on a friday night when I should have been exploring the world. Thats the thing about living imperfectly, it isn't black and white. The goals you write down on paper aren't always as they seem.
This past year has been far from what I had planned this time last year. It's hard to believe that a year ago, my heart was still aching from breaking up with my boyfriend of three years. It's hard letting go of someone you love, its even harder losing your best friend. I still struggle with this daily. My ex and I were together all through college; an extremely important time in my life. I missed out on a lot of opportunities by being with him but I wouldn't change a single thing. Even though, I still fear the day that we run into each other at the grocery store and make awkward eye contact and dart in opposite direction; I will always care for him and I am grateful the things he taught me and in a way, continues to teach me.
A year ago, I had met someone new. Someone who I thought would take away the hurt of losing my best friend and be the love of my life. I was once again, I was wrong. I never believed in love at first sight until I met him and I never believed that a relationship so short could change me so much. I was crazy for this guy and than he broke my trust and even though I will always love and care for him, some things can not be fixed. I learned my limits and most importantly I learned that I am a lot stronger than I ever thought.
This time last year, I was working in a job that came easy to me. A job that I felt fortunate to have. But as this year went on, I began dreading going to work everyday. There was no passion and part of me felt held back. When I graduated collage, I so badly wanted a job. This one fell in my lap and I am still so grateful for it and the opportunity that it gave me but it wasn't a forever job. One of the reasons I took the job was because it was close to ex-boyfriends house and everyday I would go to work and be reminded of the life that I thought I was going to have. Well I am two weeks old at my new job and I actually enjoy going to work! I even enjoy my hour of alone time in the car on my way to and from my office. I laugh every day and I cant even tell you when the last time was that I cried.
Well 2015, much like 2014, I am ready to wrap this year up! I think I have learned all that I have needed to learn from you. I learned that life is precious and to spend as little time being unhappy as you humanly can. I learned that love comes into your life quickly but it can leave quickly as well. I have learned to never become complacent; to challenge your mind and body everyday. I have learned that I just want to be happy, even when I am sad. I have learned that the people you never would have expected will come into your life and make you happier than you ever imagined. I have learned that some days will suck but others will make you feel so alive. I have learned that as much as I plan and envision 2016, God has other ideas in mead. I learned to not sweat the little things- so who cares that I didn't do the dishes right after dinner? SO I trip in front of a 100 people. I have learned that sometimes, you just have to let others set the pace and let go of the control.
I learn something every day from the most unexpected people. So much was lost in 2015 but so much more was gained. I'm ready to ring 2016 in with the coolest cats I know.
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