Friday, March 16, 2012


After an incredibly stressful week of saying goodbye to an amazing matriarch, my grandmother, a week at the beach was just what I needed. As I prepare to head "back to reality today" I hope I don't forget the lessens God had taught me in this week of relaxation and reflection.

I have been incredibly blessed and sometimes it takes the hardest times of grief for one to realize this. The bond that my family has is one of the greatest blessings God had given me. My grandmother paved the way for a family that is united in times of great pain and times of great joy.

While in Fort Lauderdale this week, there were droves of other twenty year olds, celebrating their spring break. While I was with my parents. Lol. Two years ago I would have been utterly embarrassed and upset not to be with my friends. But, this year I couldn't have been happier to spend this week with the two people who have shaped me into the Christian woman I am today.

I don't know if it's losing my grandmother or having a week to just think and reflect on the life God has richly blessed me with, but I can honestly say that I am content with who I am, who I have been, and who I am becoming. I want to live a life of purpose for my God, I want to live a life without regret or bitterness. Sometimes, we become absorb by the material things this world offers, but today I'm letting go and letting God take control.

I have let my own selfish desire drive my emotions and directions for too long. Although reality will once again take over as I board that plane tonight, I pray I don't forget how far I have come, in finding relaxation in God.

As a talked to a wonderful friend of mine this week I was once again reminded that God puts people in our lives for a reason. I truly believe that this particular friend is in my life to constantly teach me something through his life, our relationship and just to give me a feeling of peace I have when I have to opportunity to discuss life with him. This week he reminded me that as hard as we try this life isn't ours to control, but Gods. Just one of the many blessings I have been reminded of this week.

It had been a Perfectly imperfect week of relaxation in the sun and in the Son of God.

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